About 210 Plaza

What is 210 Plaza?

Welcome to 210 Plaza, where San Antonio's vibrant arts & culture, incredible music, diverse gastronomy, and more come together to create a virtual hub of inspiration that captures the true essence of The Alamo City! In this digital plaza, get ready to immerse yourself in the flavors of San Antonio with the "Keeping It Real with Greg Grunberg" series, explore the artists behind the art in our podcast "Culture Shock with Gio DiZurita," or embark on an emotionally charged expedition through San Antonio with "Corazón City" – and this is just the beginning! So, let's dive in. Create your personalized avatar and join us in 210 Plaza, where the authentic spirit of real & true San Antonio comes alive and inspires!

What Makes 210 Plaza Special?

210 Plaza isn't just a virtual tour through San Antonio; it's so much more. It's a snapshot of San Antonio's heart and soul. With over 300 years of rich history, San Antonio is a fusion of diverse cultures and heritages that have sparked incredible creations in arts & culture, gastronomy, music, and more. While we could take you on a mere walkthrough of our city, we want you to experience what makes us truly unique – our people, our cultures, our heritages. Step inside 210 Plaza and get to know the real & true San Antonio!

How Was 210 Plaza Made Possible?

Cross-cultural agency BeautifulBeast entered into a strategic alliance with Mighty Industries and XALTER to create Mighty Beast. This unit specialized in content and web3 and joined forces with Visit San Antonio to create and produce 210 Plaza, an entertainment platform in the metaverse for the city of San Antonio.